Zaydek Michels-Gualtieri
US and UK Citizen,

I believe in excellence in programming. I love teaching, and I'm a great communicator. I walk towards hard, non-linear problems, and have learned grit. I'm both a designer and developer, and I write readable, maintainable Go.

I'm excellent in Go, and experienced in Unix, Git, HTML, CSS, JS, C, and D.

2017 – Pres.

Author at Owl Delivery (10+ months)
Owl Delivery is a self-architected project to automate the data-collection, backtesting, and trading of financial securities. I found I needed to start over time and time again, and learned the meaning of grit. I learned how to write, test, and ship microservices, and how to [sometimes] outperform the market.

Example output and documented source code:

2016 – 2017

Student at 42 Silicon Valley (3 months)
42 is a new, peer-based computer science bootcamp. We learned Unix and C from scratch, and scaled up to recursive, backtracking algorithms. Inspired from what I'd learned, I left to write Owl Delivery.

2014 – 2016

Specialist, Technician at Apple Retail (18 months)
I was relied on to create solutions for customers who couldn't otherwise be helped. I received customer letters, expressing their gratitude. And, I was later recruited to work at the Cupertino Headquarters store.